Salman Rushdie calls for Muslim Reformation
Salman Rushdie, who had a fatwa put on his head for writing the Satanic Verses, and who has now written Shalimar the Clown, a story of a Kashmiri boy who takes to terrorism, argues that The Koran should be looked upon as a historical document and not as divine. He states that by reforming Islam, it would finally leap out of the 7th century and into the 21st. Here are two articles:
Yahoo News article
The Guardian article
Despite Rushdie's comments, Islam is unlikely to undergo any real reformation. Muslim men have too much to lose and nothing to gain. Equality for women and non-Muslims in Muslim countries is not something that we will ever witness in our lifetime.
Yahoo News article
The Guardian article
Despite Rushdie's comments, Islam is unlikely to undergo any real reformation. Muslim men have too much to lose and nothing to gain. Equality for women and non-Muslims in Muslim countries is not something that we will ever witness in our lifetime.
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